It’s official: the first image from the upcoming X-Men series spin-off, Wolverine, appeared in USA Today yesterday. Nothing says Valentine’s Day like a slightly off-kiltered Hugh Jackman with 10-inch blades tearing through the tops of his hands, maniacally staring up.
The film will be a prequel to the X-Men series, last left with Brett Ratner’s sub-par X-Men 3, starring Hugh Jackman as the title character. The film will revolve around Wolverine as he learns about mutants and becomes involved in “Weapon X”. It is currently slated for a May 2009 release.
Click here for the full USA Today report.
I only saw X-Men 3 once at the midnight showing, and I was extremely disappointed. I also wasn’t a huge fan of Superman Returns. Ratner should stuck with Superman, and Singer with X-Men. It’s weird the last few midnight showings I’ve been to have all been fairly disappointing! X-Men 3, Spiderman 3….sigh