home News, TV NBC/Universal’s Hulu.com Goes Live

NBC/Universal’s Hulu.com Goes Live

hulu-logo2.jpgA joint project between NBC/Universal and News Corp, Hulu.com has officially gone live. As an answer to an industry plagued by online file-sharing, the groups set out to create an on-demand, ad-supported web streaming service. I gotta say, having used this for a few months now, I love it. The player is excellent, the speed is great (granted its been in beta), and the image quality is much better then many other sites out there.

The site is set to offer almost 250 TV Series, and full-length feature films like Mulholland Drive and The Big Lebowski. Films will appear unedited, and users will have to verify their age at PG-13 or above.

Commercials are relatively non-intrusive, on TV shows, during the regular area for commercial break, you have to watch a short 10 second spot, with a longer spot in the beginning and end of the program. Audiences will also be given options of what ads to watch, example, for a car spot, audiences will choose, SUV, Sedan, etc.

It’s a great site, and I highly recommend it for those of you who don’t mind watching content online.


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