Sometimes the summer blockbuster season kind of meanders in almost unsuspectingly until it’s July and you realize you’re halfway through the season and you haven’t seen anything worthy of the phrase “kick ass popcorn flick.” Other times the season Rochambeau’s you as soon as the gates drop and you’re left elated and a little sore from the onslaught of awesome. The 2008 summer blockbuster season has officially started and I’m excited to say, if the season were to start and end last weekend, it would have been a great season thanks to Jon Favreau’s ‘
The general sentiment you often hear kicked around when it comes to superhero movies is that they want you to care about the character under the mask, not just wait for the next scene where he suits up. ‘Iron Man’ is officially the first movie where not only did I feel that way during it, but I actually wouldn’t have minded the picture at all if he never became Iron Man. While good direction and a well-written script play roles in that, the film’s success lies squarely on Robert Downey Jr.’s shoulders. He is ‘Iron Man,’ both in the character and in the overall spirit of the film.
‘Iron Man’ is a total popcorn flick. The story doesn’t elevate too far beyond the action. It doesn’t spend time with Stark’s alcoholism or his metamorphosis, although when it does touch upon these moments,
‘Iron Man’ is ushering in a summer of action flicks (two other superhero films and a slew of fun adventure movies) and it raised the bar for what is to be expected this year. Is it the best superhero movie made? No. That title stays with ‘Spider-man 2’ so far. But it’s up there. Whether you want to see a man in an iron mask kicking ass and taking names or you want to see what a skilled actor can do when he is asked to carry a movie, Favreau’s ‘Iron Man’ delivers in spades. Go. See. This. Movie!