Darren Aronofsky has been confirmed as the director for the new ‘Robocop’ film, which producers are calling a reboot, similar to Nolan’s ‘Batman Begins.’
Also, like the news with the new Terminator film, the film will be an R, unless of course, Aronofsky decides things should be cut back, but I highly doubt that. It wouldn’t be Robocop if it were rated PG-13.
When asked if Peter Weller will reprise his role, co=producer Mike Medavoy said, it was “the director’s choice.”
I’m not sure if Peter Weller will be up to it given his current career as a college professor, but he did have a pretty kick-ass role of a villain on ’24.’ For some reason, I’m not that much of a purist when it comes to Robocop, I’m very curious at how this one turns out.