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Green Lantern Short List

The Hollywood Reporter has released a short-list of actors for the upcoming ‘Green Lantern’ flick. On the list, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, and Justin Timberlake,

On the final list was Jared Leto, Henry Cavill, and Michael Fassbender. The studio is making things much more difficult with the casting decision, as each individual has a different favorite among the finalists.

The film is being directed by Martin Campbell, and is about an Air Force pilot who is chosen by an alien to be his successor in an intergalactic police force known as the Green Lanterns.

The film is set to begin production later this year with a budget of $150-200 million, and is set to be released next Christmas.

I think Bradley Cooper would be my choice, as much as I like Ryan Reynolds, I’m sort of tired of him in roles like this, and Justin Timberlake….I just can’t see him playing a superhero.

One thought on “Green Lantern Short List

  1. I’ve seen it reported around the ‘net that Ryan Reynolds has been cast. I’m sorry to disappoint you. Hey, at least it’s not Justin Timberlake…

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