Forgive the irony in his name, I’m sure came up constantly in his contract negotiations. Marc Webb will helm the next Spider-Man film, following Sony’s inability to reach a creative agreement with Sam Raimi.
The next installment is now on track for release in 2012, and will focus on Peter Parker in his younger years. Webb in his statement said he was not taking over the series from Raimi, but was looking to “add a new dimension, canvas, and creative voice to Spider-Man.”
Webb started directing music videos, including “Move Along” by All American Rejects, and “21 Guns” by Green Day. His feature film effort, (500) Days of Summer was well received (by this site and many other outlets), so overall, I’m curious what Webb will bring to the table.
Personally, I’m glad to see Raimi is off the project. He’s a great talent, and he’s spent so much time on Spider-Man it’ll be good to see him moving on. No names have been tossed around officially for the part of Peter Parker, but I hope to god it won’t be that vampire from Twilight. The fanyboy in me cringes at the thought.