In this feature-length documentary, “The Elders” tells the universal story about life’s most important lessons while painting an intimate portrait of the lives of an aging, overlooked generation. The film is Boston-based filmmaker producer Nathaniel Hansen’s first feature length film.
Hansen spent the past 11 years producing short documentary films that have screened around the world. “I wanted to take my portrait style of filmmaking, apply it to a larger group of people who had lived through so much, and ideally end up with a feature-length film constructed from 10-12 shorter, intimate portraits,” Hansen said when asked about where he got the idea. Funds for the film were raised on
Like many of the films at IFFBoston, the trailer exudes emotion – the subject of elders is an important one, and it’s great to see Hansen take it on.
“The Elders” screens at the Somerville Theater, Sunday, April 28th 2013. Click here to buy tickets.
Check out the trailer below: