Here it is, Oscar night, the Super Bowl for people like me. Every year I like to do a quick blog post about my predictions in the Top Categories. I did a better job this year of seeing many of the nominated films – so here’s hoping I’m a bit more accurate than last year!
There were some great films this year – great ensembles like “The Big Short,” and “Spotlight,” and stunning beautiful epics like “The Revenant.” I do think this will finally be DiCaprio’s year. Though, the Academy loves career long shuns, there are just too many signs pointing to him finally getting his. So take a look at my list, and let me know who you think will take some of the top prizes!
Best Supporting Actress: Alicia Vikander – “The Danish Girl”
Best Supporting Actor: Sylvester Stallone – “Creed”
Best Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio “The Revenant”
Best Actress: Brie Larson “Room”
Best Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu “The Revenant”
Best Picture: “The Revenant”