Lesser Known Horror Movies: 90s Edition

Happy Halloween! This is Part 2 of our “Lesser Known Horror Movies Series, now moving into the 1990s. Check out Lesser Known Horror Movies of the 80’s here.
Happy Halloween! This is Part 2 of our “Lesser Known Horror Movies Series, now moving into the 1990s. Check out Lesser Known Horror Movies of the 80’s here.
This two part series continues on into the 90s, check out the list here.
Editors Note: Ben has compiled a list of his Oscar predictions, both who he thinks will be nominated, and who will ultimately win. The announcements will be next Tuesday, January 24th. Check out Ben’s list, where do you think he’s right, where do you think he’s completely wrong? BEST PICTURE The Artist The …
This was hard because this year really sucked ass but here goes in no order: Source Code – 3 stars Really cool movie and the followup to Moon by Duncan Jones. He’s got some talent, and Jake Gyllenhaal proves once again that he can actually act! Everything was intense up until the end, which cost it the 4th …
A DANGEROUS METHOD David Cronenberg is the best director working that has never been nominated for a Best Director Oscar. He has always made movies that totally fuck Hollywood in the ass. Videodrome, Dead Ringers, Naked Lunch, Scanners, The Fly…on and on and on are all movies that are highly regarded, yet fly under the radar. It’s a shame. …
THE DESCENDANTS I love the work of Alexander Payne. Citizen Ruth, Election, About Schmidt and Sideways are all awesome, funny as fuck and touching films in their own right. I expect The Descendants to be no different. George Clooney, these days, can seem to do no wrong. The man has been in the awards spotlight …
Editor’s Note: Due to travel, this article is a bit late, but still, wouldn’t want you to miss it! J. EDGAR Well, this movie has already come out and is receiving lukewarm reviews, but why?? I can’t imagine it being a “bad” movie per say…but maybe just not as top notch as what is expected from an Eastwood/DiCaprio …
Editors Note: The release of this article was delayed due to technical problems on my part! Thanks for reading! A VERY HAROLD AND KUMAR CHRISTMAS Maybe I’m just old, but I do not “get” these movies. I’ve only seen the first one, and yeah, it had some amusing parts, but all in all I thought it was …
ANONYMOUS Nothing says hardcore action movie like William Shakespeare right?? Well, how about an action movie about people trying to say that Shakespeare didn’t write his plays? Yeah…that’s about as exciting as wiping your ass. Why would I want to see a Roland Emmerich (yes, Independence Day and The Patriot Roland Emmerich) try to make a movie about some William …