Though my childhood consisted of treasure hunting, bull-whip toting aspirations, so did time travel via a Delorean, thanks to Back to the Future. Twenty-five years since the first Back to the Future, the series stands up as a timeless film, and the series has recently been remastered and released on Blu-ray (as well as re-released …
Check out my quick video review of the new iFlux App for your iPhone and iPad. Things I left out, the app has ALL the sound effects from the film. I’m actually quite impressed with the polish. The built in speedometer can actually recognize your speed, though, I don’t recommend speeding to 88 just to …
Universal Studios and Vatche’s childhood suffered a devastating blow on Sunday as fire damaged part of the studio back lot.
The other day in my review of Be Kind Rewind, I mentioned the films urgence for its audience to “Swede” their own films. So no doubt, the next few weeks/months will have a lot of these coming up (much like the reedited trailer phenomenon a little while back). As a big fan of Back to …
Despite a shaggy white beard, Christopher Lloyd threw on the ol’ radiation suit and hopped into the seat of the infamous DeLorean from Back to the Future. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how confident you’re feeling about this sequel that will never happen), it was for a cameo in a new O’neal McKnight music video. …