You know how to read (otherwise this all looks ridiculous to you) and you love to watch films, but for some reason or another you rarely put those together. Welcome to Foreign Friday where we respect your intellect enough to expect that you can do both at the same time. Venturing outside the comforts of …
You know that you should watch more foreign films, but you have no idea where to start. It’s going to be okay, Foreign Friday is here to be your leader. Let LonelyReviewer do the necessary digging to let you know not only what’s out in the cinematic world, but also if it’s any good. Sit …
The blockbuster season got you hating on English-language films? I get it. August tends to be filled with some pretty lackluster fare. That’s where Foreign Friday comes in, offering up a smattering of international cinema to break up the monotony. Ask a little bit more of yourself and read some subtitles. No swords or blood …
They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, so you guys must be in love with Foreign Friday. After a couple weeks devoid of repertory foreign film writing (although we did talk about a couple new foreign releases last week), we are back to address your international appetites. With our return we head to …
Put on your reading glasses and get ready to get after some subtitles because it’s Foreign Friday. This may be the week to really test just how far you are willing to go for a film. Sometimes you just have to be willing to throw out any preconceived notions and let a film take you …
It’s that time of the week again. Get ready to sound smart to all your work friends with another Foreign Friday. This week we slow it down a bit and think real hard about life. Book your trip to Norway for the beautiful and brilliant Oslo, August 31st.
The nine-to-five been getting you down? Feeling a little too domestic? Foreign Friday is here to add that touch of the international to your week. Our trips so far have been a bit dramatic; some sci-fi here, a little action, maybe something depressing and dark. This week we have lightened things up. So come along …