Ray Harryhausen’s name was one you would mention only to your friends who were really into movies. Or if you had just met someone and you wanted to test their credits-throw in a Harryhausen reference. If they nodded and agreed, you knew you were in good company.
Every year here at LonelyReviewer.com, we try to see how close we can get to predicting the Oscars. In years past, each of the bloggers have done their own list. This year, we decided we’d pick and feature one. Ben and I have always gone back and forth on whose picks are better, who gets …
So another year, another list. I had to think long and hard about my favorite movies of 2009, since I do feel like it was such a great year so full of great films. Though, I will admit, I missed on quite a few which I can’t include on my list.Some of the films I …
Having been forced to wait over a week to see it, it’s been hard for me not to be influenced by what other people had to say about it. Universally, the consensus from my peers has been, see this movie.Now.Up until then, I’d avoided every single piece of promotional information, review, and no opinion greater …
So Avatar made a few million more then originally thought. The new 3D experience from James Cameron reached $77 million in the US Box Office, and is expected to continue to benefit from positive word of mouth. The worldwide tally put Avatar at 242.5 million, well on its way to hopefully make a profit as …
With the pre-release rumblings and talk before the release of James Cameron’s latest movie, it’s hard not to walk into “Avatar” without having some thoughts about what you are about to watch.
James Cameron is one week away from the opening of “Avatar,” one of the most talked about movies of the year. Already the question is being asked, ‘what’s next?’ Cameron is said to be working on a remake of “Fantastic Voyage,” the story of scientists shrunk down and placed into the blood stream of a …
Everyone knows that movies are costing more and more to make. A New York Times article about the cost of James Cameron’s latest movie is simply another confirmation of this fact. While Fox is claiming that the movie cost only $230 million to make, the Times says that when you consider money put in by …
Everyone seems to be anticipating James Cameron’s latest movie, “Avatar,” which is due out later this year. The trailer is eagerly anticipated and the buzz is getting louder and louder. And then there comes this; a photo that claims to be from an “Avatar” prop. It’s supposed to be a powersuit, which is reportedly 14 …
Panasonic is preparing a 3D Blu-Ray player, with a 2010 release planned. The company is already testing it in their Hollywood office, according to Video Business.com. The release of the TV comes in tandem with the release of James Cameron’s latest movie “Avatar.” Right now, the plan is to start selling the TV’s right around …