Director Paul Greengrass, director of “The Bourne Supremacy,” and “The Bourne Ultimatum,” says he won’t be directing the fourth Jason Bourne movie. Here’s what Greengrass said about his decision not to do a fourth movie: “You won’t find a more devoted supporter of the Bourne franchise than me… I’m very proud of those (Bourne) films …
The fourth Bourne-film is being written by Josh Zetumer (‘Dune,’ ‘The Infiltrator’). Originally, the sequel was supposed to be written by Bourne Ultimatum writer George Nolfi, but he’s committed to adapting the Philip K. Dick short story ‘The Adjustment Bureau.’ Apparently, Zetumer has been comissioned to write a brand new script. Apparently, once its finished, …
Producer Frank Marshall has updated his Twitter page with a news that will be disappointing with fans of Jason Bourne. Marshall posted that screenwriter Greg Nolfi’s script won’t be finished until June, which means production will be delayed a little. Previously, it was believed that the movie was going to be hitting screens next summer. …
It is alleged that Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean broke the film industry’s bad luck curse on the pirate film. Pirate films have never been a plentiful box office office bounty (Cutthroat Island anyone?), however, its reported that a film on Edward ‘Blackbeard’ Teach has been greenlit, with director Paul Greengrass probably at the helm. …
The Bad & Ugly scored some sweet shots of Matt Damon lookin’ badass on the set of his new collab. with Bourne director Paul Greengrass. Greengrass is one of the best action filmmakers out there now, specifically because of his gritty, realist style and execution. Green Zone is the story of a pair of CIA …
Matt Damon is speaking out about the recent announcement that there will be a fourth Jason Bourne movie.
In an article in Variety trumpeting the virtues of Universal Studios, buried deep in the article is the following sentence: “Shmuger and Linde landed Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon for a fourth “Bourne” movie.” No word on whether Tony Gilroy, the Oscar-nominated writer of the Bourne films, will also be returning. Let the Bourne puns …