“The Whisteblower” is an extremely horrifying, yet important film – because it deals with the important subject of sex trafficking. It’s a sad, terrible thing that is harsh reality all over the world, and it brings many of these truths to light.
I wasn’t sure what to expect with “The Whistleblower.’ I hadn’t heard very much about the film, and I knew very little about the subject matter. However, I left the theater pretty much sure that this was one of the best films I’d seen during the entire Independent Film Festival of Boston. The film is …
Darren Aronofsky has signed on to direct his fiancé Rachel Weisz in a biopic about Jackie Kennedy. Originally planned as a television movie, the project has now taken shape as a feature. The script was written by Noah Oppenheim, and covers the four days between John F. Kennedy’s assassination and his burial.
Opening with a poem recited by con artist historian Ricky Jay, Rian Johnson’s follow-up to his first movie, “Brick,” takes off in the first few moments and heads on a whimsical, and entertaining flight. The movie tells the story of brothers Stephen and Bloom, two life-long con artists. Stephen is the mastermind, working every angle …
Opening with a poem recited by con artist historian Ricky Jay, Rian Johnson’s follow-up to his first movie, “Brick,” takes off in the first few moments and heads on a whimsical, and entertaining flight. The movie tells the story of brothers Stephen and Bloom, two life-long con artists. Stephen is the mastermind, working every angle …