And you thought your job sucked. Telling the story of an explosive ordinance disposal unit stationed in Iraq in 2004, Kathryn Bigelow’s “The Hurt Locker” is a tense, nerve-wracking, exciting action/drama that keeps you riveted to the screen.
The first picture of one of the sets from the upcoming “Clash of the Titans” remake has been posted on-line. Las Horas is posting the picture, which shows some sort of ancient temple kind of thing on a beach. This “Titans” remake stars Liam Neeson, Ralph Finnes and Danny Houston. It’s directed by Louis …
When the lights came up in the theater at the end of Stephen Daldry’s “The Reader,” I sat there in confused silence. What was wrong with the movie I just saw? What did I like about the movie I just saw? It is a difficult question to answer. “The Reader” is the story of Michael …
There are rumors swirling around director Louis Letterier’s remake of the 1980s movie, “The Clash of the Titans.” Variety is reporting that Liam Neeson is/was in talks to play Zeus. (It’s unclear if, given the recent tragedy in Neeson’s personal life, if he is still considering taking the job, or will be taking some time …
Two hitmen hide out in Bruges as they await further information from their boss and slowly go mad with nothing to do. It sounds like a simple and tired premise. However, Martin McDonagh’s movie does not traffic in simple and tired.
Two hitmen hide out in Bruges as they await further information from their boss and slowly go mad with nothing to do. It sounds like a simple and tired premise. However, Martin McDonagh’s movie does not traffic in simple and tired.