This short mesmerizing documentary from John Neeman Tools shows the creation of a Damascus Steel Knife. Enjoy as the sparks fly! The Birth Of A Tool. Part III. Damascus steel knife making (by John Neeman Tools) from John Neeman Tools on Vimeo.
I love Hitchcock. Who doesn’t? From “Rope” and “Strangers on a Train,” to “Rebecca,” “Psycho,” and the “The Birds,” Alfred Hitchcock is truly one of the greatest filmmakers to have ever lived. Of course, what he was known for were is short cameos, generally in the earlier part of the picture, as spotting him became such …
Everyone hates vertical video, even if you don’t know what it is, you’ve seen it before. It’s those videos shot on mobile phones with the device held vertically. But this is the first time I’ve seen something shot in that way where I’m happy to post it as our Video of the Week. Filmmaker Dan Toth used …
Format wars are completely interesting – the HD-DVD vs Bluray brought back memories of the infamous battle of Sony’s Betamax vs JVC’s VHS. In this video, YouTuber engineerguy, gives some great reasons to why VHS won over the much superior first to market Betamax.
I like to seek out unique, well made shorts for LonelyReviewer’s video of the week. This week’s selection stands out a little more than the rest. It’s a very special short about how the filmmakers mother ended up the owner for a motorcycle. I don’t want to giveaway too much, other than its fully worth …
As people are building their Best/Worst of 2013 lists, I can’t help think of After Earth, quite possibly one of the bigger bombs of the year. I’ve always been a fan of Will Smith, grew up watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air, as well as his many blockbuster contributions. His son though, Jaden, seems to …
I’m a sucker for movie montages, and with the end of the year upon us, I enjoyed this particular montage from “The Sleepy Skunk.” How many of these did you see this year? Enjoy, and happy Wednesday!
Obviously my love of film equates to a love of technology, and the technological trickery behind some of motion pictures greatest illusions. It’s been twenty years since Spielberg brought to life the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, and, regardless of its age, the film still stands up to today’s standards. Little known fact, despite its title, …
We’re getting excited about IFFBoston 2013, and a slew of Q&A’s from last years Festival have just come out. This weeks video of the week is a Q & A with the director of “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry,” Alison Klaymen. “Ai Weiwei” is an incredible documentary about the controversial contemporary Chinese artist, Ai Weiwei. Best known …
It’s no surprise that a film like “The Avengers,” is filled with an insane amount of effects. But the amount of detail, especially in the film’s final battle scene in the streets of New York, is staggering. This great behind the scenes video from ILM shows great insight into just how much of the city …