‘Lemmy: The Movie’

I hope this documentary comes to fruition and gets released. There are few rock and roll personalities out there more respected and revered than Lemmy Kilmister. Founder and frontman of the kick-ass rock and roll band, Motorhead, Kilmister is now seen as the patriarch of the rock and roll lifestyle. And, finally, someone decided to …

‘Dark Shadows’ May Have a Director

The dynamic duo of Burton and Depp may be back together again on the big screen sooner than later. According to a report, Tim Burton is set up to direct the upcoming adaptation of the 60s cult television series, ‘Dark Shadows,’ with Depp rumored to star in the film. ‘Dark Shadows’ was an elaborate series …

Justin Reviews: The Strangers

Bryan Bertino’s directorial debut, ‘The Strangers’ had a lot of promise. The film started off surprisingly decent, following Kristen and James as they return from a wedding. Their relationship is strained as James proposes at the reception and Kristen says no.

‘Burn After Reading’ Trailer Online

The Coen brothers’ first film after their Oscar winning ‘No Country For Old Men’ now has a trailer online.  The first trailer for ‘Burn After Reading’ is now available for download on iTunes. And it’s pretty friggin’ funny. The film seems to be more ‘classic’ Coen, sort of in the vein of a lighthearted ‘Fargo.’ …

Futurama’s ‘The Beast with a Billion Backs’ Trailer

Futurama’s direct-to-DVD follow up to the direct-to-DVD release, ‘Bender’s Big Score’ will be hitting store shelves on June 24th. Titled, ‘The Beast with a Billion Backs,’ has something to do with a beast coming through to our universe and taking over Fry, making him the Pope of a new religion. ‘Bender’s Big Score’ was pretty …

Quadrilogizin’ Time

With Hollywood living it up by reviving trilogies from back in the day, I figured I’d offer some help. I mean, it’s my childhood they’re plundering, so at the very least I can offer insight into what I think would make a great 4th installment. Consider these few on the house ideas my thanks for …

‘Step Brothers’ Red Band Trailer!

Oh glories of glory. I’m growing more and more fond of the readily available red band trailers (thank you, the Internet!) for upcoming flicks. Nothing sells a movie better than to hear the words “camel dicks” during a marketing campaign. The upcoming Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly picture ‘Step Brothers’ has released the red …

‘W’ is Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

Yup, Vice President Dick “I’ve Shot My Friend in the Face” Cheney will be portrayed in Oliver Stone’s upcoming biopic, ‘W’ by Richard Dreyfuss. Sweet. Although I can’t totally picture Dreyfuss as Cheney looks-wise, I couldn’t picture Josh Brolin as the President and was floored by the Entertainment Weekly cover. So here’s to the magic …

Nazis Come Back from the Moon!

Let’s see, so far Jason Voorhees, Dracula and the Leprechaun have spent some cinematic time in space. Clearly those were successful jaunts. (I only say that sarcastically about Leprechaun and Dracula. I liked Jason in space. A lot.) So the world of cinema said, “Well, why don’t we send some other bad guys into the …