It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Mel Gibson in a major film role, I believe the last was Signs in 2002. ‘Edge of Darkeness,’ from Casino Royale director Martin Campbell looks like a return to form for the controversial actor/director. An all out action thriller. Say what you will about the guy, I …
The Hollywood Reporter has released a short-list of actors for the upcoming ‘Green Lantern’ flick. On the list, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, and Justin Timberlake, On the final list was Jared Leto, Henry Cavill, and Michael Fassbender. The studio is making things much more difficult with the casting decision, as each individual has a different …
Warner Bros. says their budget is locked, and “The Green Lantern” will cost $150 million. The movie will be shot in Sydney, Australia because the studio feels that their money can go a little further Down Under than it can in the States. Martin Campbell, (“Casino Royale,” “Goldeneye,” “The Mask of Zoro,”) is directing. No …
Warner Bros. has acquired Boston-based Mel Gibson film ‘Edge of Darkness,’ directed by Martin Campbell. The film is based on a BBC miniseries, and tells the story of a homicide detective whose only child is murdered in front of his home. The film was produced by ‘Departed’ producer Graham King, and the producer of the …
Variety is reporting that James Bond veteran Martin Campbell is very close to signing to helm the Green Lantern movie for Warner Bros. Campbell directed Pierece Brosnan’s first Bond film, “Goldeneye,” as well as Daniel Craig’s debut film, “Casino Royle.” Having Campbell take on this project gets things going- Warner Bros. is now thinking “Lantern” …
It’s funny, because I got a lot of flack for writing up my 10 Worst Robert DeNiro movies essay in which I said basically in a nutshell that he hasn’t been good for over 10 years and that I feared his best days were long long gone. It’s like he doesn’t even try or care …