Over the course of a week I watch a lot movies and neglect my responsibilities and personal hygiene, all for your benefit. Here is the list of movies I have seen this past week. Try to keep up: Lost in La Mancha – There is bad luck, there is Murphy’s Law, then there is Terry …
Over the course of a week I watch a lot movies and neglect my responsibilities and personal hygiene, all for your benefit. Here is the list of movies I have seen this past week. Try to keep up: Sunshine – This syfy was was definitely more fy than sy. I am not a billion percent …
Another week has passed. It was a struggle to get some movie time in. Do you think that stopped me? No. I am a professional. So here we go again: Over the course of a week I watch a lot movies and neglect my responsibilities and personal hygiene, all for your benefit. Here is the …
Over the course of a week I watch a lot movies and neglect my responsibilities and personal hygiene, all for your benefit. Here is the list of movies I have seen this past week. Try to keep up: Inglorious Basterds – This was a rewatch from my summer viewing. The fact that it is a …
Rumors of a Hulu app on my iPhone got me very excited, but it has been a while since those rumors hit, and still nothing. But, this new rumor, is definitely even more exciting. Netflix could be releasing an official iPhone app that lets you stream the companies “Watch it Now” video streaming selections. Though, …
In an extremely exciting announcement, Microsoft Xbox 360 owners and Netflix subscribers have something to cheer about. For months, the internet has been abuzz with rumors of a partnership between the two groups to bring Netflix “Watch It Now” to the successful gaming console. Well, its official.
Citing higher purchasing costs, Netflix has announced that it will raise fees for those who rent Blu-Ray DVDs through the popular on-line rental website. In a first quarter earnings conference call yesterday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said, ‘because of the higher cost of Blu-ray and the consumer expectations around high-def content, we are planning on …
I hate all things Blockbuster. So to hear Blockbuster is looking to acquire Circuit City, I’m not quite sure how to react. The two companies are no stranger to danger, with Circuit City falling way behind rival Best Buy (oh best buy, how do I hate thee, yet I still go to you), and Blockbuster …