Depp Announces “Pirates” 4

At the D23 Expo, (the Disney company’s take on Comic-Con,) on Friday, Disney Chairman Dick Cook announced that a new Pirates of the Caribbean movie will be released summer, 2011.  The next movie, (the series’ fourth,) will be sub-titled, “On Stranger Tides.”  Johnny Depp also made an appearance at the announcement, dressed as Jack Sparrow.  …

Spielberg To Tackle Next Michael Crichton Novel

Dreamworks has announced that Steven Spielberg is developing a movie based on Michael Crichton’s next novel.  “Pirate Latitudes.”  “Latitudes,” is the first of reportedly several posthumous Crichtion novels to be published.  (The book comes out in November.) David Koepp, (screenwriter for “Jurassic Park,” “War of the Worlds,” and, um, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of …

Pirates 4 Start Date Confirmed

Oren Aviv has told Coming that the next ‘Pirates Caribbean’ has a start date. He told the web blog “We’re going to shoot ‘Pirates 4’ in April and May of next year. We are going to release it hopefully in 2011 is the plan” Their hoping that Pirates 4 will be the start of …