Video of the Week: Rear Window Timelapse

Every now and then, an amazingly creative project gets posted on the web that really impresses. This is one of those cases. Artist Jeff Desom created a visual installation using Alfred Hitchcocks “REAR WINDOW,” and stitched all the different shots together to create one complete panoramic time lapse of the entire film. Here is his …

Spielberg Accused of Plagarism

The Sheldon Abend Revocable Trust has hauled Steven Spielberg’s ass into court over that little movie, ‘Disturbia.’ See, the trust owns the rights to the short story ‘Murder From a Fixed Point.’  Hitchcock ripped it off to make ‘Rear Window,’ and Sheldon didn’t get anything for that infraction.  Well, now the shoe is on the …

Review: Rear Window

I have often said that if I could change voices with anyone I would go with (in no specific order): Orson Welles, the RZA, or Jimmy Stewart. Let us focus on that last one because I just watched ‘Rear Window’ with Mr. Stewart and it was great (segue).  The movie is about a man, L.B. …