Well… Sorta. Richard Roeper, the guy who took over for Gene Siskel in the balcony opposite Roger Ebert has launched his new web-site. Besides featuring his columns from the Chicago Sun Times, it also features Richard’s movie reviews and comments. Granted, Roeper can’t really hold a candle to Roger Ebert, but I think he might concur with that statement.
I really do miss “Ebert and Roeper at the Movies,” even though Roger hadn’t been on in a few years. It was a show that I grew up with and it was always comforting to settle in and watch the most recent film reviews. While the site can’t really match the battle of wits that is the show, maybe if you read Roeper’s reviews and then click over to Ebert’s reviews, you can get an approximation. That’s the best you can do sometimes. -Sam