On October 1, 1969, the first episode of “Monty Python’s Flying Circus,” aired on the BBC. Now, to celebrate the 40th anniversary, the surviving Pythons are working together to take part in a documentary.
“Monty Python: Almost Truth (the Lawyer’s Cut,)” is a six part documentary covering the founding, success and dissolution of the popular group. The film is being directed by Alan Parker. Non-Pythons interviewed for the movie include Russell Brand, Steve Coogan, Jeff Bridges, Eddie Izzard, Dan Aykroyd and Hugh Hefner.
It will air in the US on IFC in October, with a DVD and Blu-Ray release to follow. A British release is still being lined up
I have just finished viewing a preview copy of Monty Python: Almost the Truth .. All 498 minutes of it…!!! And I think the opening title song on the series, a Shirley Bassey-esque number (in the ilk of a James Bond title track) really sums it up:
“so f***ing sick of Python…. 6 sodding hours of Python…. No more, no more, bloody Monty, Monty f***ing, f***ing Python….They weren’t that funny anyway…!!!”
The Boomers will love it though…