As April draws to a close each year, I look forward to the exit of snow, the entrance of beach days and most importantly, the Independent Film Festival Boston. Like many a film fan, I would look longingly at the major film festival lineups, yearning for the cold establishment of Sundance, the searing hot mayhem …
“This is Martin Bonner” is the second feature from writer/director Chad Hartigan. The film stars Paul Eenhorn as the titular character, and is a steadily paced character-study shot slowly and beautifully.
To Freda Kelly, the Beatles were just a local band. Working in a secretarial pool around the corner from the famed Cavern Club, early in Good Ol’ Freda, Kelly estimates she saw maybe 190 of the Beatles 295 performances there. While her officemates were swooning over Pat Boone and Cliff Richard, Kelly was obsessed with …
We live at a time where teenagers in cinema are portrayed in a few very distinct ways: you have fantasy-filled “vampire” movies, highly stylized “High School Musical”-type movies, and high school sex comedies in the vein of “American Pie.” While I’m not looking to make a commentary on the quality of these films, they typically …
We’re back at it with the latest episode of “The LonelyReviewer Show!” In this episode, we talk about PAX East, the upcoming Independent Film Festival of Boston, and “Spring Breakers.” If you like the show, leave a comment below, and you might win a free Redbox rental! Enjoy the episode below, download directly here, subscribe in …
PAX East is an amazing yearly convention that focuses on the amazing community of games: tabletop, PC, and of course all varieties of electronic gaming. PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) started as a smaller convention in Seattle before expanding to the East coast four years ago, and more recently to Australia. The convention continues to grow, and, …