Film Review: Into the Woods

Into the Woods opens in wide release on Christmas Day, December 25th. Check your local listings for showtimes. Adapting stage musicals to the big screen is hard. While the screen may loom over the audience like some all-encompassing monolith, it still never feels big enough to capture the spectacle of live theater. Compounding the problem …

Review: 50/50

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into Jonathan Levine’s “50/50.”  Judging on the trailers, there was a good chance it could have been mostly a comedy, or, it could have been depressing and sad. Despite its subject matter, this film really is the perfect balance of both. 50/50 is written by Will Reiser, loosely …

Review: Up in the Air

Ryan Bingham likes to keep things simple.  A constant traveler for work, he lives his life with his frequent flyer cards, his hotel reward programs, everywhere he goes, he is greeted with a chorus of, “it’s great to see you again, Mr. Bingham.”  Ryan Bingham is a professional down-sizer.