Looks like Marvel, the production company, is already starting to act like a production company. Out of the gate with the amazingly great and successful ‘Iron Man’, Marvel has greenlighted (greenlit?) a slew of their comic books to be adapted to films. And now that they’re running a full court press, it seems that they …
Let’s see, so far Jason Voorhees, Dracula and the Leprechaun have spent some cinematic time in space. Clearly those were successful jaunts. (I only say that sarcastically about Leprechaun and Dracula. I liked Jason in space. A lot.) So the world of cinema said, “Well, why don’t we send some other bad guys into the …
At the very least we know that Sam’s “Remake This” column will continue to have a healthy selection to write about. The latest victim in this never ending saga of remakes? The 1986 Christopher Lambert/Sean Connery classic, ‘Highlander.’ Say it ain’t so! The remake will be produced by Summit Entertainment and will be written by …
Sometimes the summer blockbuster season kind of meanders in almost unsuspectingly until it’s July and you realize you’re halfway through the season and you haven’t seen anything worthy of the phrase “kick ass popcorn flick.” Other times the season Rochambeau’s you as soon as the gates drop and you’re left elated and a little sore …