‘Twelve’ is a unique film appearing at the IFF Boston. Conceived by Scott Masterson who, along with Steve Oare, produced the film as well, ‘Twelve’ is actually a series of 12 short films, each short taking place in a specific month of the calendar year. Helmed by 12 different Boston-area directors, each film would take place during that specific month as well as try to infuse the feeling of that month, or, as the film’s website notes, allow “the filmmakers to impose their own thoughts, emotions and/or memories upon the month.” From Scott Masterson’s ‘January’ through Vladimir Mituny’s ‘December,’ each month takes on its own personality and tone.
‘Twelve’ will be playing at the Somerville Theater on Sunday, April 27th at 7:00pm.
And stay tuned for our interview with Scott Masterson, Executive Producer of ‘Twelve.’
Visit the film’s website here!