Beauty Is Embarrassing ends with an amazing call to action from subject Wayne White. He sums up what he means by Beauty Is Embarrassing, and it just as equally sums up White’s entire Mantra. Do what you want to do, be who you want to be, no matter what. Wayne White, best known for his …
‘Twelve’ could have easily derailed given its circumstances. 12 separate short films, each helmed by a different director, some overlap in story (but they’re mostly scarce nods to earlier pieces), each with a different tone and approach.
Twelve directors and twelve unique stories all in one film can seem like a daunting task to undertake and manage. Will it work? Does it flow? Should it flow?
‘Twelve’ is a unique film appearing at the IFF Boston. Conceived by Scott Masterson who, along with Steve Oare, produced the film as well, ‘Twelve’ is actually a series of 12 short films, each short taking place in a specific month of the calendar year.