After the critical drubbing of ‘Showgirls,’ ‘Starship Troopers,’ and ‘Hollow Man,’ in the US, director Paul Verhoven returned to the Netherlands to change his career dramatically. The result was a re-uniting with screenwriter Gerard Soetman and the movie ‘Black Book.’ The story is about Rachel, a Jewish girl living in hiding in the Netherlands during …
State of Grace is a movie from 1990 that has enough power to last until 2008. It stars a very young Sean Penn, a very young Gary Oldman, a very young Robin Wright (before the Penn) and an old looking as usual Ed Harris. The plot centers around a young Irish hoodlum (Penn) who returns …
We are all familiar with the buzz that’s been flying around for this movie, the big question is, does it live up to the hype?
Why Not Watching ‘I Know Who Killed Me’ Isn’t Enough I am not going to lie to you and say that I sat down and watched this movie, because I didn’t. I don’t want you spreading rumors around that I lie to the masses about movies that I view. However, it would be a fib …
3:10 to Yuma is 3:10 to Kick Ass I picked up 3:10 to Yuma on DVD the day it came out. I had seen it twice in the theater on opening weekend and was hoping that the DVD would provide the same entertainment. It did deliver, because the movie is the same, just in a …
It seemed the only word that has echoed around my ears the past week has been “Juno!” “Juno!” “Juno!!”. “Okay! I get the picture…Juno is a great movie…” thought I. However, after watching Juno, the only word that rang through my mind afterwards was “Eh…” To the set record straight, I kinda liked Juno, but …
One moment can change everything that comes thereafter. Director Joe Wright’s ‘Atonement’ is an exciting, evocative study of the events surrounding such a moment. The story is one of a family. Briony and Cecilia Tallis are sisters living on an English estate, in the time between World Wars I and II. Robbie Turner is a …
Charlie Wilson drinks. He entertains a large number of women. He goes to Vegas and climbs into a hot tub with several strippers. Oh, and he’s also a Congressman. Based on true events, ‘Charlie Wilson’s War,’ is the story of a Congressman who single-handedly helped the Afghan people drive the Soviets from their country. The …
I am reminded of the old maximum about pizza; when it’s good, it’s really good and when it’s bad, it’s still pizza. The same can be said for this, the fourth (and most likely final) installment in the ‘Die Hard’ films. It’s ridiculous, loud and obnoxious, but it’s unapologetic in all of this, which is …