New Arnie Still from Terminator: Genisys

To say I’m skeptical of this new Terminator film would be an understatement.
To say I’m skeptical of this new Terminator film would be an understatement.
Most bad movies have some redeemable quality: sometimes it’s a single stand-out performance or character; sometimes it’s that the film embraces its own campiness. But occasionally a movie is so bad that all you can think about is everything they could have done to make it less terrible.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is back this January in “The Last Stand.” While having appeared in both “Expendables” films, he hasn’t been a lead character since 2003’s “Terminator 3.” Director Kim Ji-Woon’s film, “The Good, The Bad, The Weird,” had a decent run in the American Festival circuit, and “The Last Stand” marks the director’s jump to …
The cast list for this movie is now officially insane. AICN is reporting that Arnold Schwarzenegger is joining Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke and Eric Roberts in the new movie “The Expendables.” Schwarzenegger is only appearing in a cameo, seeing as his day job keeps him pretty occupied. Stallone is …