Developed by Team Bondi and published by the stellar Rockstar Games, L.A. Noire represents what I feel is a huge break through in interactive content. While much of L.A. Noire is a game, it its very core, L.A. Noire represents what I hope is a step forward for the medium. L.A. Noire is probably best …
Add this to the pile of GTA IV news (which I plan on finally releasing my review on Monday). I still feel pretty sore about HD-DVDs lost, despite for the first time, seeing Sony do things right for a change. But, as sales numbers come out, I can’t help but smile. It’s apparent that the …
Even if it didn’t mess up Iron Man’s debut, Rockstar’s ‘Grand Theft Auto IV’ has officially broken the record for opening week take. The game sold over six million units in its first week, earning $500 million dollars. The previos record holder, Halo 3 brought in $300 million, but was only for Xbox 360, while …
Potentially leaving a bad taste in gamers mouths, there have been reports of widespread technical glitches in Rockstar’s much hyped GTA IV game. Players have been reporting lockups and hangs, especially in the moment following the games opening cut-scene. The lockup has been occurring more often on the 60GB Playstation 3 then the Xbox 360, …
Variety is reporting that sources close to Take-Two Interactive are saying that predictions within the publisher are predicting a $400 Million dollar take for its first week of release. Currently, that record is held by Halo 3 at $300 million. The difference between the Halo release is that GTA is cross-platform, appearing on both PS3, …
It’s unfortunate, because for the second time in a row, the game I’m most excited for won’t be in my hands until almost the last day of the month. The game I speak of is Grand Theft Auto IV.
Rockstar released the fourth trailer for GTA IV, nothing too crazy, just gives you more visuals of the much anticipated sequel. They claim the jump from the last GTA to this one is much like the jump from the top scroller to GTA III. I can’t wait. Check out the trailer below.
a SLEW of screens for GTA IV Multiplayer have found themselves on Dutch gaming site Xboxworld.
The ban put in place by the British Government over the Rockstar release of Manhunt 2 has finally been lifted. The government banned the sale of the game over its controversial excessive use of violence. This is the first game banned since Carmageddon. The game was mostly received poorly by critics, so, the joke may …