Review: Toy Story 3

I’ve always said, if you see a Pixar film and at one point don’t even get slightly misty eyed, you have no soul. The latest film from the powerhouse of a production company is no exception. Toy Story 3 does not break the rhythm. It is a funny, yet emotional film that is relatable by …

Review: Cyrus

‘Cyrus’ is the latest film from The Duplass Brothers, one of the groups behind an indie film movement called mumblecore. If you’re not familiar with the genre, its basically ultra-low budget films that foucs on relationships, using improvised scripts, and non-professioanl actors. Working up the ladder with films like ‘The Puffy Chair’ (which played at …

Review: Get Him to the Greek

‘Get Him to the Greek’ is the latest from writer/director Nicholas Stoller, and a spin-off of his previous film, the excellent ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall.’ In this film, Russell Brand reprises his role of Aldous Snow, the controversial rocker, and is joined by Jonah Hill, who in this outing plays a new role, Aaron Green, a …

Review: Winter’s Bone

Winter’s Bone is a chilling (no pun intended) adaptation of Daniel Woodrell’s novel. Described as country noir, the film was masterfully adapted by director and co-writer Debra Granki, and stars Jennifer Lawrence and John Hawkes. The film opens in a cold setting, on a small house in the Ozarks. Ree (Jennifer Lawrence), a young 17-year …

My Netflix Queue Review 8

Over the course of a week I watch a lot movies and neglect my responsibilities and personal hygiene, all for your benefit.  Here is the list of movies I have seen this past week.  Try to keep up: Breathless – In the 50 years since its release, what more can be said about this beautiful …

DVD Review: Shutter Island

‘Shutter Island’ Scorsese’s latest masterpiece is a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, and Ben Kingsley, based on the novel by Dennis Lehane. Set on Shutter Island in Boston Harbor, 1954, the film begins with two Federal Marshals on a boat, heading to Ashecliffe Hospital to assist in finding an escaped patient. Teddy Daniels (Leonardo …

Lost & 24 Season Finale Wrap Up/Review

Two of my most favorite shows have gone off the air, and I thought despite only covering Film recently, I’d like to do a review/write down my thoughts for a significant week in television. There will be spoilers herein, so please take care, if you plan on watching them in the future, or aren’t …

Review: Exit Through the Gift Shop

Is it a joke?  Is it real street art made by an important new artist?  Either way, “Exit Through the Gift Shop,’ the new documentary by artist Banksy is damn interesting. “Gift Shop” tells the story of Thierry Guetta a French-born, LA-based clothing boutique owner.  Years ago, Thierry became obsessed with video cameras.  He started …

Review: MacGruber

You know those SNL skits that go on much longer then they should? That’d be the best way to describe MacGruber. Based on the recurring SNL sketch parodying MacGyver, MacGruber stars Will Forte, Kristen Wiig, Ryan Phillippe, and Val Kilmer. The film opens 10 years following the murder of MacGruber’s (Will Forte) fiancée Casey (Maya …

Review: Iron Man 2

Robert Downey Jr. and Actor/Director Jon Favreau make a great team. Favreau is a great story teller that involves himself into his films, and its clear, all of them are made with love and passion. And Downey? Hell, he’s someone who I would watch in just about anything, and I mean that, it could be …