Film Review: Best Kept Secret

“Best Kept Secret” tells the moving story of a selfless, heroic teacher, out to give the best possible quality of life to her autistic and special needs students as they age out of the system and enter the world.
“Best Kept Secret” tells the moving story of a selfless, heroic teacher, out to give the best possible quality of life to her autistic and special needs students as they age out of the system and enter the world.
Guys, it’s here. Seriously, right there on the internets, the thing that was taken away from us well before we were able to become intimate. When it left, we solemnly wrote “Do Not Eat” on its paper bag as we placed it in the freezer. We held onto the hope that a return would be …
Steven Soderbergh has found this odd place in Hollywood where he is able to make the films that he wants to make. He experiments with the super independent with films like “Bubble”, but then will show that he has mainstream appeal with the “Ocean” films. This is the guy that made an epic chronicling the …
“The Office,” has been the flagship Thursday night comedy staple for NBC since 2005. An adaptation of the heralded British Show from Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the Greg Daniels led “American” office started as a mirror of its counterpart. It wasn’t until the show started to deviate from the source material that it really …
I walked into viewing season 1 of Veronica Mars with very little background on the show. Outside of knowing that it was a UPN/CW show, that it starred Kristen Bell, and that it seemed to have a pretty solid Internet following, I had nothing on the show. (I believe, “Is that the show where she …
Sherlock Holmes has become almost something of a cliché. The deerstalker hat, the pipe, the “Elementary, my dear Watson”, the versions and revisions of the character and the stories have, over the years, greatly reduced the character from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s great scientific mind to something that passively conjures up a few of the …
The summer doldrums have arrived. Officially giving me more time to catch up on the film I missed during the television season. However, with many upcoming off season series returning from their own hiatus, it might be tough to fit in a new show. ‘Falling Skies,’ is definitely one to consider. Created by Saving Private …
‘Teenage Paparazzo’ is a great documentary from actor Adrian Grenier about 14 year old Austin Visschedyk, a young paparazzo. Going into the film, I wasn’t sure what I was going to see, I’m familiar with Grenier as an actor, but as far as his directing skills, I was curious to see what he’d done with …
This is a new weekly column that will take a look at what is going on the ol’ boob tube! Wait. I don’t believe my TV has any tubes… House M.D. Everyone’s favorite Doctor is back in its 7th season, and it picks up literally where the last left off. (Quick Recap) Season 6 ended …