DVD Review: Tropic Thunder

Ben Stiller’s second directorial effort is a kitchen-sink affair, no joke is to low, no explosion is too big. Sending up actors and their craft, as well as the ridiculousness seemingly inherent in filmmaking, ‘Tropic Thunder,’ is an assault on the senses that, at the same time, is kinda boring in some spots.

Paramount Announces ‘School of Rock 2″

Paramount Pictures is putting ‘School of Rock,’ back in session, reuniting director Jack Black, and director Richard Linklater. The film is being written by original scribe, Mike White, and will be titled ‘School of Rock 2: America Rocks,’ picking up with wannabe rock star and substitute teacher Dewey Finn,” and a group of summer school …

Review: Be Kind Rewind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of the most interesting executions of a film that I can remember in recent history. What makes Michel Gondry such a unique filmmaker is making something that looks like a complicated effect a rather simple camera trick. Too much of the trickery seen in film these days …