McG With Terminator Salvation Details
Some good news emerged about Terminator Salvation at San Diego Comic Con over the weekend.
Some good news emerged about Terminator Salvation at San Diego Comic Con over the weekend.
Happy Friday, Gizmodo posted this pic of a badass John Connor (Christian Bale) about to blow away a Terminator in this still. Despite McG, I can feel the hype building. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!
Christian Bale will not only be in the upcoming McG-helmed continuation of the Terminator franchise, ‘Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins,’ but apparently has signed on for 3 Terminator films, according to a report.
Some more ‘Terminator Salvation,’ news, rapper Common has signed on to co-star across Christian Bale and Sam Worthington.
Sequels are sometimes inevitable and often predictable in their inevitability.You watch a great movie, you walk out of the theater and you can almost see the light bulbs appearing over the producers’ heads.“If they loved that, they’ll love a second one!”
Terminator 3 was a complete and utter disappointment. Granted I’ve really only seen it once, and there have been times where things are better on the second viewing, but nothing about this film inspires me to view itagain. That being said, on paper, there are a lot of possibilities that the franchise could be rebooted …