Trailer: Spielberg’s ‘War Horse’

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t initially excited for this film when I first read about it. But, all it takes is a great score by John Williams and some epic & beautiful shots of war to convince me. I’m officially looking forward to seeing this film this Christmas. Spielberg’s ‘War Horse’ is based on the …

Trailer: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes,’ the new ‘Apes’ prequel/reboot from 20th Century released a trailer today. The film takes place in the present day, and shows how animal testing leads to the….you guessed it…Rise of the Apes. I’m not sure how to feel about this film. I’ve never been a huge fan of …

Inception Trailer Circa 1949

It’s amazing how much the style of trailers have changed since the early days of motion pictures. Even looking at trailers from the 80s, things have a completely different look and feel. So these clever fellows have cut together a fan trailer of Inception, using sound clips from Rear Window, Vertigo, and Spellbound, the result, …

Vatche’s Action Trailer

So, of course, besides running Lonely, I’m also a filmmaker in my own right. And I recently participated in an fake trailer contest here in Boston, at the Brattle Theatre. The subject was “Labor Day,” and I created this fake trailer with a vague story and a lot of visual effects. Our video won …

Robin Hood Trailer Released

I guess you can call it a teaser trailer, as its mostly a montage of Robin Hood to modern rock music. I can’t stand these period pieces that are presented with modern music. I mean, I can say with almost 100% certainty we’ll only see this in the trailer, but come on Hollywood, you want …

Prince of Persia Trailer Hits

Get it while it lasts, someone has uploaded the full Prince of Persia trailer to Youtube. Apparently it premiered the other night in the UK. First impression is, lots of slow motion jumping, lots of effects, but will the film find an audience? Prince of Persia is an interesting franchise, obviously it is an incredibly …