PREVIEW REVIEW: September 2, 2011

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy This is going to be one of those movies that is forgotten quickly, and then like 20 years from now, I will catch it on Showtime at 2am and be like “Oh, shit, I remember the dumb preview for this!” and then I will change the channel.  Looks like another attempt at shock …

PREVIEW REVIEW: August 26, 2011

COLOMBIANA: This looks, from the brief previews I’ve seen, like Steven Soderbergh’s next movie Haywire.  Maybe they’re different, but they seem to both be about a trained kick-ass girl out for revenge.  This one looks a little more stylized and less thought driven as Soderbergh’s, but not having seen either, I can’t say for sure.  The PG-13 always throws me …


Editor’s Note: Preview Review is our new weekly column, each week Ben will give his thoughts on the weeks major releases based off their trailers. 1.  Conan The Barbarian – I normally don’t enjoy remakes, but I feel Conan has so many adventures that it could stand as a remade film.  No one will ever top Arnold, …

Editorial: Rebooting Batman? Again?!

Well, Hollywood has once again excelled in making me scratch my head in confusion.  Just when I thought they couldn’t get anymore redundant in filmmaking, they go ahead and remake Spider-Man after only 4 years since the last one.  Well, that is idiotic enough, but now the plan is to remake Batman, and the last one hasn’t even come …