JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN Reborn? Is this a re-boot of the 1st Johnny English but still with Mr. Bean? Did he die in the first one? I never saw it, nor had any need to see it, and the same goes with this one. I have to hand it to Rowan Atkinson though…the man has busted his ass …
Sorry I’m a little late on this one guys, my wife just gave birth to our first kid last night, so I’ve been distracted….and the lack of sleep might make this weeks review either less funny or overly vicious so bear with me. THE BIG YEAR Now I love me some Steve Martin. I love me some …
THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE 2: FULL SEQUENCE Yes! I know that for whatever reason it’s cool for people to hate on the first Human Centipede. Well, I actually thought it was a really well made and original horror flick. It was nice to see a horror movie for a change that wasn’t Saw or some “found footage” bullshit. This movie …
ABDUCTION Ooooohhhh scaaaarryy!! A PG13 Abduction movie starring the douche werewolf homo from Twlight!! Yayyyy!! What really shocks me about this one is the other talent involved. I expect more from you, Alfred Molina…maybe not MUCH more, but more. And I am totally ashamed of you Sigourney Weaver. Yeah, I know…you gotta eat, but you …
DRIVE I don’t know what it is about this movie, but I really really want to see it! Maybe its the look of it, maybe its the old school feel of the trailer, fuck, maybe its the hot pink 80s cursive font of the title. I’m not exactly sure. All I know is that for …
A Good Old Fashioned Orgy This is going to be one of those movies that is forgotten quickly, and then like 20 years from now, I will catch it on Showtime at 2am and be like “Oh, shit, I remember the dumb preview for this!” and then I will change the channel. Looks like another attempt at shock …
COLOMBIANA: This looks, from the brief previews I’ve seen, like Steven Soderbergh’s next movie Haywire. Maybe they’re different, but they seem to both be about a trained kick-ass girl out for revenge. This one looks a little more stylized and less thought driven as Soderbergh’s, but not having seen either, I can’t say for sure. The PG-13 always throws me …
Editor’s Note: Preview Review is our new weekly column, each week Ben will give his thoughts on the weeks major releases based off their trailers. 1. Conan The Barbarian – I normally don’t enjoy remakes, but I feel Conan has so many adventures that it could stand as a remade film. No one will ever top Arnold, …
Well, Hollywood has once again excelled in making me scratch my head in confusion. Just when I thought they couldn’t get anymore redundant in filmmaking, they go ahead and remake Spider-Man after only 4 years since the last one. Well, that is idiotic enough, but now the plan is to remake Batman, and the last one hasn’t even come …
So it’s Oscar time again, and I guess the little experiment of having 10 Best Pictures worked from last year. Once again, they have taken a crappy year in general and milked 10 movies from it. I have mixed feelings on this 10 Best Picture thing. On one hand, I like it because it gives …