“Lonely Boy,” from director Dale Fabrigar and writer/lead Alev Aydin, is an original film about a man afflicted with schizophrenia. A small, independent feature, the film has strong characters, and builds slowly to a riveting third act that leaves you at the edge of your seat.
IFFBoston is never without films that bring an audience to tears. “Best Kept Secret,” which had its world premiere at the festival, is one of those films: it tells the moving story of a selfless, heroic teacher, out to give the best possible quality of life to her autistic and special needs students as they …
Did you know Joss Whedon loves Shakespeare? I certainly didn’t, so when I first heard about his adaptation of one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies, “Much Ado About Nothing,” I really wondered what it would be like. I was pleasantly surprised. Using the original Shakespearian language, Whedon sets the story in modern day, and the …
“This is Martin Bonner” is the second feature from writer/director Chad Hartigan. The film stars Paul Eenhorn as the titular character, and is a steadily paced character-study shot slowly and beautifully.
The Occupy Wall Street movement was a fascinating event in our recent history, and was covered extensively by the media. In the documentary “99% – The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film,” filmmakers Aairon Aites, Audrey Ewell, Nina Krstic, and Lucian Read, set out to tell the story that wasn’t covered by news outlets, showing the movement …
“Our Nixon” from director Penny Lane is a film composed entirely of archival footage following Richard Nixon through his presidency. The footage comes from various news outlets and, most interestingly, from home video captured by top Nixon staffers. The private footage was seized durring the Watergate investigation and has never been seen before.
This panel discussion with BEFORE YOU KNOW IT features director PJ Raval, and was held following the screening of his film at UMass Boston as part of the Independent Film Festival of Boston 2013. Check out our review here.
The early 90s was quite the time period for revolutionary music: acts like Nirvana and Sonic Youth defined the new generation of music. While popular music shifted toward grunge and alt rock, the underground music scene spawned the feminist punk rock movement. At the forefront were artists like Kathleen Hanna, subject of the documentary “The …
“Before You Know It,” a documentary by director PJ Raval, chronicles a subject that I haven’t seen covered in any medium: the lives of gay seniors. All over the age of 65, Raval’s three subjects have dealt with so many diverse issues in their time – from sexual identity to politcal controversy – and are …
“The Way, Way Back” marks Nate Faxon and Jim Rash’s directorial debut. The team is best known previously for their writing work on Alexander Payne’s “The Descendants.” This film is a coming of age story about 14-year-old Duncan (Liam James) and his summer with his mom (Toni Collette) and her difficult new boyfriend, Trent (Steve …